How to Heal and Treat C-Section Scars Stop with the kegels


Do you have a C-section or other abdominal surgical scar? Do you also have low back, sacral, and/or hip pain? They are connected. I see these relationships every week. There's a really good chance that your scar is shutting down your core. Crunches and planks alone will not bring back the full proper function to [...]

How to Heal and Treat C-Section Scars Stop with the kegels2018-03-05T20:47:35+00:00

Lyme Disease Proven Alternative Solution


A bite from a specific type of tick carrying a specific bacteria is how Lyme disease is transmitted.  Animals that commonly carry these ticks are white-footed field mice, deer, raccoons, opossums, skunks, weasels, foxes, shrews, moles, chipmunks, squirrels, and horses.  New Jersey is one of the Eastern states where the majority of these ticks live [...]

Lyme Disease Proven Alternative Solution2018-03-05T20:51:08+00:00

Breast Cancer has a Proven, Alternative Treatment


Within the allopathic medical model, after a woman receives a diagnosis of breast cancer, she can expect to have a lumpectomy at best, a mastectomy at worst.  Many women who have high risk for breast cancer are opting for a double mastectomy just feel safe that they will not ever get cancer.  Along with the [...]

Breast Cancer has a Proven, Alternative Treatment2018-03-05T20:55:49+00:00

Anybody Can Do Yoga and Meditation


Think you can’t do yoga and meditation? Think again. No matter what your flexibility, stress level, or fitness level, you can do yoga, stretching and meditation at the Lasting Pain Relief Center.  Our highly experienced and knowledgeable teachers provide individual attention and modifications to fit each student’s unique needs in our small group classes or [...]

Anybody Can Do Yoga and Meditation2018-03-05T21:00:34+00:00

PTSD Alternative Solutions That Work


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can disrupt a person’s whole life, including: job, relationships, health, happiness, and enjoyment of everyday activities.  It is triggered by a terrifying event or ordeal in which a person was harmed or threatened.  In New Jersey and New York, we have recently experienced at least two community-wide PTSD causing events: Hurricane [...]

PTSD Alternative Solutions That Work2018-03-05T21:01:21+00:00

Myofascial Release: The Deepest Deep Tissue Massage Ever!


Massage Magazine reported that approximately 45,000 massage therapists and bodyworkers stop practicing each year. This is a shockingly HUGE number. A large part of this frustration is due to the “temporary benefits” of massage therapy and the loss of clients as a result.  A Myofascial Release (MFR) massage is very different than traditional massage in that [...]

Myofascial Release: The Deepest Deep Tissue Massage Ever!2018-03-05T21:05:51+00:00



Being your best physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually means returning to and living in your true self – a state of inner peace, flow, and happiness. Some people call this state “Bliss”, which is our natural state of being. Imagine how terrific you feel when things go your way, you have endless energy and enthusiasm, [...]

Be Your Best… RELEASE THE REST2018-03-05T21:07:09+00:00
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